Our people

We, the board members, are responsible for overseeing the operational matters of the Rainbow Sport Zurich association. According to our bylaws, the board consists of three to five active members. The current board includes the following individuals:

Matthias, Simona, THOM. 

Board members are elected by the general assembly for a term of two years and are responsible for the overall management of the association. If a board member resigns, the board can appoint a replacement until the next general assembly. The board represents Rainbow Sport Zurich both internally and externally, implementing association policies within the framework of the annual programs approved by the general assembly and handling all issues concerning the association. The board keeps members informed on the progress of ongoing projects and addresses current association-related topics.

That's the theory. If you'd like to learn more about us and our work on the board, or if you're curious about the sports we play in our free time, just reach out to us!

Since Rainbow Sport Zurich is an association with big plans but a relatively small board, we especially appreciate the support of our members.